More Lame!


The biggest issue that I have with Ann Coulter's comment is that it just made no sense. Never mind the offensiveness of it; it was generally lame in its delivery and implications. Let's say gays were openly mocked by everyone and the word "faggot" was shouted in unison at basketball games and over-used on TechTV during "The Show" -- her joke still would not have been funny. It just wasn't clever.

It's like when kids say "fart". There's that one level and that's it.

In my own personal hell, I was struck by such panic last night, thinking about this new job. My god, I don't want this job. But it's money. It's twenty days of training, which means I sit there and get paid without having anything expected of me. But god. I don't think I am interested enough in my own existence to put a lot of effort into sustaining it.

I think about these people who get into crazy debt trying to stay afloat, who resort to living on the streets in some cases and I am baffled by it. I would just kill myself. Seriously. All of that is too much hassle. Why do they think continuing to live is worth the bother? Eff that noise.

I contacted Gob last night. I sent him a text message asking if he still worked at VentureSystems. He does not. He completed training and then quit. I didn't ask for details. I am pleased I will not have to see him.

For those who play "World of Warcraft", here is something by which you will be amused. It's a recording of a guild leader running a raid of 40 people against a dragon. For those who don't play "World of Warcraft", this will make you even more proud of and secure in your decision not to play "World of Warcraft".

I know exactly what he is talking about, too. Scary.