

I shall continue with the forced daily updating if only because I know how annoying it is to login and see that your buddylist is not lit up.

I do this for the people! And so on!

I'm debating whether or not to walk to the convenience store. And this would be a walk to the convenience store with no ulterior motive. I'm not looking to meet up with anyone. My previous attempt ended horribly. Smart had invited me over after I called him last Tuesday night. The entire evening was death. Long, painful, boring death.

I'm watching Dr. Phil. He's now in primetime! But still ignorant as all fuck. I have yet to see a "television expert" hold a vaguely intelligent and/or rational view on sexuality -- specifically, the subversion of gender. Right now, Phil is counseling 37 year-old Bernadette who has been living as a man for years and now wants to have her breasts removed. Phil's probing questions include Are you sure? and Why just the breasts? Why don't you want a penis? I don't think you're sure.

If a woman is unhappy with her breasts, it is acceptable for her to undergo a procedure that would make them bigger. If a woman is unhappy with her breasts, it is not acceptable for her to undergo a procedure that would remove them.

The logic? The former is based on how the woman feels she is perceived by men. The latter, how the woman perceives herself.

Bernadette's mom and aunts think Bernadette needs Jesus in her heart. His love will flush out the gay. Or, if that won't convince her to keep her breasts, maybe she should just try a different approach. Here aunt's advice: "They would go away if you lost twenty pounds."

Bernadette is kind of a fattie.

Should a boy be able to attend his highschool dressed like a girl? Yes. We wouldn't even be having this discussion if the sexes were reversed. Adopting aspects of the female gender is still seen as a downgrade. There is something sinister about that, something that deeply violates the basis of our society, even if few people are able to identify where their discomfort is coming from.

Should he not be subject to the dress code? Of course he should be. No short skirts, no strapless tops, no bare midriff. Why should a dress code be sex-specific if the point of it is supposedly about mutual respect?

Should he be able to use the girl's washroom? Fuck no. The entire logic behind segregated bathrooms is this: one group of people has a penis and the other group has a vagina -- basically, the piss comes out differently. Everyone has a urethra, but some urethrae dangle and some don't. It's very simple, but few will ever break it down to such a level.

For as long as you dangle, you use the boy's room. Once you have a vagina, things should be reevaluated.

But the chromosomes --

There were segregated bathrooms before there was the knowledge of chromosomes. Don't play the science card with me after you've just quoted the Bible. Besides, this is a sociological issue, not a scientific one.

Yeah, I guess I'll go to the convenience store. Buy some junk. It's hard not buying things. I've never been the sort who drops cash all the time, but I had grown accustomed to buying things when I felt there was a need. And, because I wasn't a ridiculous spender, I always had the money to do so. Oh, unemployment. The delight I take in you mocks me.